Breaking The Cycle

Ever wondered why you make New Year’s resolutions and never follow them through? Here’s how to tackle them without the drama.

As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, we are filled with hope, determination and often a list of resolutions. Whether it’s getting fitter, eating healthier or learning a new skill, the beginning of the year feels like a fresh opportunity for change. But by January 2, that motivation can start to waver, especially when we make one misstep. Enter the ‘what-the-hell’ effect – a sneaky little trick our minds play on us.

It starts innocently enough. You plan to hit the gym at 8am, but by 8.05am, you’re still in bed. In a moment of frustration, you think, ‘Well, I missed my chance for today. I’ll just try again tomorrow’, or worse, ‘I’ll start next week’. The ‘what-the-hell’ effect leads us to believe that if we don’t start at the perfect time, it’s no longer worth starting at all.

But here’s the thing: missing a deadline doesn’t mean the entire day or goal is ruined. In fact, the opposite is true. The key to long-term success is consistency, not perfection. A missed morning workout doesn’t mean the day is lost – it just indicates it’s time to reset, take a deep breath and go for it in the next available moment.

So, let’s ditch the all-or-nothing mentality. Instead of falling into the trap of giving up because of one hiccup, focus on progress, not perfection. When life throws you off track this year, don’t let anything derail you. Get back up, refocus and keep going.

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