NEFERTITI by Nadine Barbey

Gemstones like desires have frequencies that are intuitive and have powerful magnetic resonance. The story of  NEFERTITI by Nadine Barbey, started with an earnest transformation through intuitively studying her own spiritual journey whilst using her mastery and understanding of gemstones and her “savoir faire” in High- Jewellery spanning 27 years of expertise in Paris.

Nadine’s profound desire to create jewellery is attuned aesthetically and technically, to carry another significance in transforming energy to a much higher resonant frequency for the wearer. NEFERTITI by Nadine Barbey integrates a myriad of elemental characteristics; such as the refractive light resonance, colour, structure, and pattern of the untreated gemstones which are sourced from regions that have a powerful magnetic resonance for men and women. Turquoise from Iran or Arizona’s sleeping beauty and Afghani Lapis Lazuli of the highest quality, carry a significantly higher energetic frequency alone. When combined with Malachite, Agate, Carnelian, Onyx, Mother of Pearl, Azurite, Crystal Quartz, and Diamonds of the highest quality, set into 18-carat gold, the highest frequencies will have an effect on all the lower frequencies and raise the overall vibrational resonance to the highest one and have an effect on the individual.

Each Piece carries an alluring warm leverage in gold to create product longevity and the combination of these Elements creates a system of “Vibrational Frequencies” that draws us intuitively to what we “need” in frequency to re-align ourselves from a higher vibrational point of view. Each crafted jewellery piece symbolizes inner transformation as we free our hearts deepest desire for a meaningful transformation.

Just as everything that happens outside in the physical world requires energy, everything that happens inside of us requires an expenditure of energy, which I hope to share with you. Queen Nefertiti and Pharoah Akhenaten of ancient Egypt have been my greatest source of inspiration as the forefather and Mother of the monotheistic world. One Divine Source, for all humanity, connects us all to each other and to our higher Self. Transformative vibrational resonance is within all that is beautiful and my jewellery is a representation of this expression.”

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