Self Care and Keto Coach ANAHI BROWN talks about her journey embracing ‘JOMO’ and how choosing to miss out can help with full on living.

Do. Go. Make. Achieve. Finish. Accomplish. Strive. Start. End… and do it all again. For many of us, this is life as we know it.
We wake up and automatically shift from Human Beings to Human Doings as soon as our feet touch the ground, repeating the same process the next day and the next. No wonder so many of us end up burnt out, exhausted and feeling like life is a blur, passing us by.
With my own awareness on my overdoing tendencies and inspired by the advice I was dispensing to my clients whenever I see them wither and crash on their own fast-paced and demanding lives, I decided to commit 21 days to JOMO’ing as much as I could to see if this new tendency was as magical as it seemed. The term JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) started as a response to the infamous Fear of Missing Out or FOMO, which people on Social Media were experiencing when scrolling through and comparing their realities to the highly edited and curated shots they saw. Where FOMO was about self-judgement, comparison and stress, JOMO is about celebrating your choices, authenticity and investing in yourself.

As you can imagine, as a Self-Care Coach working on nourishing women back to greatness, I was sold. Now, as a busy mom of two, moving houses and developing her business without extra support with housework, I was sceptical. This was going to be an interesting project for sure.
I decided that, in order to truly embrace the spirit of JOMO, I was committing to: • Saying NO whenever I hesitated with a YES. • Decreasing my Social Media consumption, including NOT letting numbers of likes or followers affect me. • Being present with my family. Basically, from skipping some events (and NOT agonising about it) to limiting my time online to only 15 minute intervals four times per day, everything felt quite doable and inoffensive. For some of my clients and friends, who joined my JOMO vibes, their commitments were more about booking a babysitter so they could go out for a date with their partners, leaving the office on time regardless of the pending tasks, and even using a short holiday to re-organise the whole house. Each did JOMO their way.
This showed me that, when it came to missing out, we all had our favourite choices. In fact, someone told me how JOMO was precisely what she used to cut her carb-addiction from the root (something I myself have also used) and go back into her ideal nutrition. The lesson was clear: JOMO wasn’t about not deserving to have big, bold and flashy lives (or not being cool enough for them contrary to what you might think at times!), but about choosing the Self-Care and nourishment that can best replenish your needs each time. JOMO is about Self-Awareness and Compassion, about daring to be you and choose the best for you every step of the way. In the end, JOMO was how many of us went back to basics and could finally bring ourselves back to greatness. Ready to give it a go?


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