Are you facing hair problems? The answer to treat your locks might be in your garden and pantry. Dive into OHLALA’s DIY beauty tip for our September issue, sponsored by The Spa at Park Hyatt Doha.
Herbs have been used as essential ingredients in the kitchen but also in medicine and in the beauty world back to antiquity. Masters of herbal traditions and some scientific studies show that rosemary is a valuable ingredient to treat hair and scalp health. The plant stimulates circulation and acts as an anti-inflammatory element. From the pantry, another natural ingredient, apple cider vinegar, can be an ally to your hair health. Rich in vitamins C and B, it also contains alphahydroxy acid, which helps exfoliate scalp skin, and its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties help with dryness and dandruff. The popular dressing ingredient also balances the scalp pH level and can be used regularly. When combined, rosemary and apple cider vinegar make a natural remedy that can keep your scalp clean and looking healthy. Follow the steps below to create your own homemade powerful hair cleanser.
Rosemary and Apple Cider Vinegar
Hair Rinse
What you’ll need:
1 cup apple cider vinegar
½ cup fresh rosemary sprigs
¼ cup dried rosemary leaves
2 cups water
How to make and apply it:
1. Get a glass jar (mason jars work well, but use a plastic lid, vinegar erodes metal lids) and add the apple cider vinegar and fresh rosemary. Close the jar and leave it on a shelf for almost three weeks until the rosemary leaves lose their bright green colour.
2. Once the vinegar is finished steeping, remove the fresh rosemary sprigs and extract the rosemary essence from the dried rosemary leaves through a process called decoction.
3. For the decoction, add the two cups of water and ¼ cup dried rosemary leaves to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Leave it to simmer on a low heat until the volume is reduced by half. Remove from the heat and allow the mixture to cool before straining.
4. Add the strained rosemary decoction to the jar of infused vinegar. Store at room temperature away from light and use within three months.
5. Use about a quarter of the infused vinegar before shampooing, pouring it generously over your scalp and roots. Massage it into your hair thoroughly, then shampoo and condition as usual.
Beautiful hair, here we go!
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